Status: 04.12.2024 14:28 Uhr

In the Ohnsorg-Theater it is from 5. bis 8. Dezember fell Weihnachtsstimmung – with Weihnachtsliedern, Geschichten und Gedichten auf Plattdeutsch. Das Besondere: Here the whole house is in power.

by Stefanie Wittgenstein

Schon zum drieten Mal findet “The Ohnsorg Wiehnachtsshow” statt. Schauspielerin, Sängerin und Ohnsorg-Ensemblemitglied Caroline Kiesewetter hat schon Ostern angefangen zu planen. Da saß sie noch im Strandkorb. See “how weihnachtsliederen, I read weihnachtsgeschichten, like the entire Weihnachtssketch for my lectures and such, one of those two Weihnachts programs together”, erzählt si.

Büroanggestellte mit auf der Bühne

Caroline Kiesewetter goes for a gold background © Sinje Hasheider Photo: Sinje Hasheider

Caroline Kieswetter has appointed Ostern, the Christmas program full of Christmas songs, Christmas stories and Christmas sketches of plans.

All lust is great – the man gave to the probe. Das Besondere: There is power over the house of the house, but it is not like it ever comes close to the stones. Jedes Mal is jemand dabei, der sonst in de sogenannten “Teppich-Etage” laborer. “Those years started with Frauke Elmers from the Verwaltung-dabei, who left our own Gagen. It is our Frosty the Snowman,” says Kiesewetter.

If you are a little familiar with Elmers’ ideas, you can say that they are different things: “If you have a bisschen älter, there is more pump than that.” Von Probe zu Probe lays ich bei Frauke Elmers de Aufregung, erklärt sie: “For two weeks there was a bisschen mehr. I must so fell singing and text beherrschen! I have a bisschen reinknien müssen.”

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A house wall hangs on a shield, steht "MOIN". © Christine Raczka / Colourbox Photo: Christine Raczka / stock work photo design

Plattdeutsche Sendungen in Radio und Fernsehen im Überblick, het Wörterbuch oder active Norichten op Platt. more

Plattdeutsche Übersetzungen von Weihnachtshits

The text must all be read before using all German versions of the American Weihnachtshits. Beate Kiupel is ready. It is a celebration for the ensemble at the Ohnsorg and it is wonderful to enjoy the Weihnachtsshow in the most recent versions. This is a plattdeutsch-profi Christian Richard Bauer, who is aware of his plain German text with “Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer”. “I would always be happy with the original if it was not exposed to the effects of rubber, so it could be machined – but we would still like it,” said Bauer. “I am happy with Erich Kästner. I have had a good German version for 1,000 years and my German version is well founded. Here’s what you can say, but for everything that happened there was a small herzblut.

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Szene aus dem Theaterstück "Master Anecker" with Henry Vahl (r.) and Karl Heinz Kreienbaum. © Ohnsorg Theater

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Darsteller des Ohnsorg Theaters on the Bühne. © Screenshot

3 minutes

The city musicians rock the Ernst Deutsch Theater and the Ohnsorg Theater and provide the Weihnachtsgans Auguste for Chaos. 3 minutes

Zuschschauer im Theater lächeln © NDR Photo: Oke Jens

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Von Swing bis Poetry Slam: “The Ohnsorg Wiehnachtsshow”

In the Ohnsorg-Theater you can read Christmas songs, stories and poems in English. Das Besondere: Here the whole house is in power.






Ohnsorg Theater
Heidi-Kabel-Platz 1
20099 Hamburg


from 34.16 euros

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NDR 90.3 | Cultural Journal | 04.12.2024 | 7:00 PM

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